"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." (Francis Bacon)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Booked By 3: Summer Edition

Summer's almost here, though it feels like it already arrived here in NYC, so I thought I'd do a book meme to cover the season.

1. Do you have seasonal reading habits, ie: read different types of books in the summer than the rest of the year?

2. Do you read one book at a time or do you have two or more books going at once?

3. Do you read anywhere and anytime you can or do you have a set reading time and/or reading place?

As always, leave your answers in the comments or leave a link to where you've posted your answers. I'll get mine up by the weekend.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    My blog is currently offline while we wait for the new domain to get set up, so I'll answer here.

    1. I don't think I have different reading habits in the summer. I'm a stay at home mom and my kids are too young for school, so my life isn't terribly different in the summer. Just warmer.

    2. I generally read 1 book at a time. In fact, it's a sign of general chaos in my life if I'm reading more than one. I don't count Don Quixote, though. Since I'm only reading a chapter or 2 at a time, and it's going to take all year.

    3. I read whenever I can. There's a book in my bag for when I find myself waiting for someone. And a book at home. I read while I'm waiting for dinner to cook. I often (blush) read while I eat. But last night, I did wait for my husband to start reading first, before I opened my book. I always read in bed before I fall asleep.

  2. Anonymous1:57 AM

    answers up on my page :)

  3. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Mine's up as well.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    1. I don't read different books in the summer, but I do read different books on vacation. I read so quickly, that I prefer paperback books with lots of pages so that I don't have to carry too many. I also tend to read high-action/excitement, low intellect books on vacation!

    2. I always have more than one book going. There's the book that is on my desk at work (usually children's or young adult off of some recommended list); the book I read in my sitting area at home when time permits; the audiobook I take to bed with me; and the reference books by my computer. Oh yes, then there's the magazine in the bathroom. My husband caught me reading the milk carton the other day while I was wandering around the kitchen making breakfast.

    3. Despite the list above, I actually read less than I used to. I primarily read (for professional purposes) during quiet times at work, on the weekends, and non-stop on vacation. I listen to audiobooks before going to sleep at night and sometimes for a while when I wake up way too early in the morning.

  5. Hi, Loft Lady,
    I read magazines in the bathroom, too. Usually Newsweek.
    Thanks for playing.
