"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." (Francis Bacon)

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Ludmila's Broken English

TITLE:  Ludmila's Broken English

I've been reading some of the many books I've accumulated over the years, and this one showed much promise. Back when I bought it, I'd read only good reviews for it, but when I browsed through reviews for it last night, I saw many people weren't impressed by it. My feelings about it are somewhere in-between. I never read the author's earlier, award-winning Vernon God Little, so I have nothing to compare this one with. The plot is simple. On one side, an adult pair of conjoined twins are finally separated and released into the wild, aka London, after growing up in a care facility. To say they're naive would be an understatement. On the other side, specifically the Caucasus area of Russia where a war is being waged, a young woman sets out to find work to help her impoverished family. Throw in the twins discovering the joy of spiked cocktails and a Russian bride scam, and we get an intriguing farce that never fully gels.

The book was entertaining, thanks to the author's deft use of words and similies, but the ending, with the last chapter making a time jump of at least a few years, leaves too many questions needing answers for my taste. This is one book I really wish was better.

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