"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested." (Francis Bacon)

Monday, January 04, 2010

Choosing the Next Book

Sometimes, I know just what I want to read next, typically the latest paperback by a favorite author. But other times, like now, I'm paralyzed with indecision. What am I in the mood for? Do I want a fast reading book so I can get more books read or a longer, more involved tale that's been sitting on my shelf for years? Should I just work alphabetically by author through the hundreds of unread books or should I alternate genres? So many books here, and not nearly enough time to read them all. Sometimes, I wish I didn't have so many and had to go to a library and choose from whatever's available. But I have my own home library and there are always too many to choose from.

So I made a decision and picked a science fiction novel, one by an author I have not yet read: Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. I hope I like it. :)


  1. I've recently been questioning how I go about choosing the next book I'm going to read. You're right when you say there are too many books and not enought time.
    Choosing the next book should be serious business. Life's too short to read bad books!

  2. I'm often torn between reading a long one I really want to read, as I'm doing now, or a short one so I can catch up faster.
